Dorothee Benz Dorothee Benz
Dorothee Benz is an editor, journalist, web manager and communications strategist who has worked for social justice organizations and causes for over two decades. She is currently the director of communications at the Center for Constitutional Rights, as well as the chair of Methodists in New Directions.
Apr 10, 2012
Janine Balekdjian Janine Balekdjian
Janine Balekdjian is a third-year Slavic Studies major at Columbia University. She is the President of the Columbia Democrats.
Apr 8, 2012
Hla Lwin Shwe Hla Lwin Shwe
Hla Lwin Shwe is a reporter who writes regularly on Burmese politics.
Apr 4, 2012
Brentin Mock Brentin Mock
Brentin Mock covers national politics for Colorlines. He previously served as lead reporter for Voting Rights Watch 2012, covering the challenges presented by new voter ID laws, suppression of voter registration drives and other attempts to limit electoral power of people of color. Brentin is also a contributor for Demos’ blog PolicyShop, where he covers voting rights and civil rights; and also a blogger for, where he writes about environmental justice. You can read some of his other work at Next American City, Facing South, The Root, In These Times, American Prospect and The Washington Post.
Apr 3, 2012
Tristram Wolff Tristram Wolff
Tristram Wolff is a doctoral candidate in comparative literature at the University of California, Berkeley. His translation of The Will to Sickness, by Gerhard Roth, was published by Burning Deck.
Apr 3, 2012
Zoë Schlanger Zoë Schlanger
Zoë Schlanger was a summer 2012 Nation intern and current associate editor of Student Nation. She works at Talking Points Memo as front-page runner and is Editor-In-Chief of the daily independent student blog NYU Local. She has worked as an intern at The Rachel Maddow Show and at the newspaper El País in Madrid. Follow her on Twitter and check out more of her work here.
Mar 28, 2012
Carol Gilligan Carol Gilligan
Carol Gilligan, a University Professor at New York University, is the author of In a Different Voice and, with David Richards, The Deepening Darkness. Her latest book is Joining the Resistance.
Mar 28, 2012
John Coletti John Coletti
Mar 27, 2012