Drew Gardner Drew Gardner
Feb 29, 2012
Erin Schikowski Erin Schikowski
Erin Schikowski is a freelance journalist based in New York City.
Feb 22, 2012
Lois Uttley Lois Uttley
Lois Uttley is Director of the MergerWatch Project, which works to protect access to reproductive health services when secular and Catholic hospitals merge, and co-founder of Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need, a national initiative advocating for women’s health needs in health reform.
Feb 17, 2012
Chris Savage Chris Savage
Chris Savage, who is from just outside Ann Arbor, Michigan, is the owner of Eclectablog.com, a progressive news and political commentary website.
Feb 15, 2012
Sarah Wildman Sarah Wildman
Sarah Wildman (sarahwildman.com), a columnist for PBS and a frequent contributor to the New York Times and Slate, is a visiting scholar at the International Reporting Project at Johns Hopkins SAIS.
Feb 15, 2012
Yascha Mounk Yascha Mounk
Yascha Mounk, a doctoral student in the Department of Government at Harvard University, is the author of Stranger in My Own Country: A Jewish Family in Modern Germany.
Feb 15, 2012
Susan Engel Susan Engel
Susan Engel teaches developmental and educational psychology at Williams College, where she also directs the Program in Teaching. Her research interests include development of imagination, children's narratives, and the development of curiosity. In addition to scholarly publications she is author of four books, most recently, Red Flags or Red Herrings: Predicting Who Your Child Will Become. She lives with her husband in New Marlborough, MA. They have three sons.
Feb 13, 2012
Sarah Stillman Sarah Stillman
Sarah Stillman is a journalist and visiting scholar at NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, where she teaches a course on reporting the global city. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Slate.com, The Atlantic.com, and elsewhere.
Feb 10, 2012
John Heilpern John Heilpern
John Heilpern, who was born in England, writes the Out To Lunch column for Vanity Fair.
Feb 8, 2012