
Eric Drooker Eric Drooker

Eric Drooker is a contributing cover artist to The New Yorker and The Nation, among many others.

Oct 12, 2011

Holly Case Holly Case

Holly Case teaches history at Cornell University and is the author of Between States: The Transylvanian Question and the European Idea During World War II (Stanford).

Oct 12, 2011

Sean Sellers Sean Sellers

Sean Sellers, a former Kellogg Food & Society Fellow, has harvested watermelons in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Missouri.

Oct 12, 2011

Greg Asbed Greg Asbed

Greg Asbed, co-founder of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (, has harvested watermelons in Florida, Georgia, Missouri and Delaware.

Oct 12, 2011

Abdallah Zrika Abdallah Zrika

Oct 12, 2011

Uzma Kolsy Uzma Kolsy

Uzma Kolsy was a spring 2009 intern and is the former Managing Editor at InFocus News, the largest newspaper in California serving the Muslim American community .

Oct 10, 2011

Alice Amsden Alice Amsden

Alice H. Amsden, professor of political economy at MIT, is the author of The Rise of the Rest: Challenges to the West From Late-Industrializing Countries (Oxford).

Oct 6, 2011

Simon van Zuylen-Wood Simon van Zuylen-Wood

Simon van Zuylen-Wood is a Reporter-Researcher at The New Republic.

Oct 3, 2011

Teresa Cotsirilos Teresa Cotsirilos

Teresa Cotsirilos is a Berkeley native who may or may not have once declared her awkward love to Jonathan Franzen in a coffee shop. She has sold pirate supplies in San Francisco, ill-advisedly irritated soldiers in Jerusalem, and taught Sex Ed in rural Namibia with nothing but condoms, determination, and a large hand-drawn diagram. A Harvard graduate, she has written extensively for, Let's Go Travel Guides, and American Girl. She currently works as a web intern, journalist and producer at The Nation.

Sep 30, 2011

Jin Zhao Jin Zhao

Jin Zhao grew up in Kunming, Southwest China and received her MA in Communication from Georgia State University. Her broad interests range from progressive politics in the US, globalization issues and new media, to arts, cultures and music. She currently works as a web intern, journalist and producer at The Nation.

Sep 30, 2011
