Shay O’Reilly Shay O’Reilly
Shay O'Reilly is a staff writer with Campus Progress. Follow him on Twitter @shaygabriel.
Oct 25, 2011
Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald, a former constitutional lawyer and a Guardian columnist until October 2013, has earned numerous awards for his commentary and investigative journalism, including most recently the 2013 George Polk Award for national security reporting. In early 2014, he cofounded a new global media outlet, The Intercept. His latest book No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Security State (Metropolitan Books) was published in May 2014.
Oct 25, 2011
Oct 24, 2011
Tarif Ahmed Tarif Ahmed
Tarif Ahmed is a junior at Boston University studying anthropology. He has been involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement since it started in October and plans to use it as a chance to widen discourse.
Oct 24, 2011
Alyssa Figueroa Alyssa Figueroa
Alyssa Figueroa, a senior journalism and politcs major at Ithaca College, is a section editor for Buzzsaw magazine, Ithaca College's independent monthly.
Oct 21, 2011
Amy Zhang Amy Zhang
Amy Zhang, an undergraduate at New York University, is the city and state editor of the Washington Square News.
Oct 20, 2011
Michelle Chase Michelle Chase
Michelle Chase, who teaches Latin American history at Bloomfield College, is writing a book on the role of women and gender during the Cuban Revolution.
Oct 19, 2011
On Point with Tom Ashbrook On Point with Tom Ashbrook
Oct 18, 2011
Krystie Yandoli Krystie Yandoli
Krystie Yandoli is a senior women and gender studies and English and textual studies major. Her column appears every Wednesday in the Daily Orange.
Oct 12, 2011
Eric Drooker Eric Drooker
Eric Drooker is a contributing cover artist to The New Yorker and The Nation, among many others.
Oct 12, 2011