Aziz Rana Aziz Rana
Aziz Rana teaches at Cornell University Law School and is the author of The Two Faces of American Freedom (Harvard).
Sep 21, 2011
Bernard Nöel Bernard Nöel
Sep 21, 2011
Michelle Chen Michelle Chen
Michelle Chen is a contributing editor at In These Times and associate editor at CultureStrike. She is also a co-producer of “Asia Pacific Forum” on Pacifica's WBAI and Dissent Magazine's “Belabored” podcast, and studies history at the City University of New York Graduate Center. Find her on Twitter: @meeshellchen.
Sep 20, 2011
Jeremy Ben-Ami Jeremy Ben-Ami
Jeremy Ben-Ami is the president of J Street, an organization of pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans.
Sep 19, 2011
Samuel Fromartz Samuel Fromartz
Samuel Fromartz, editor-in-chief of the Food & Environment Reporting Network, is working on a book about grains, bakers and bread.
Sep 14, 2011
Bridget Huber Bridget Huber
Bridget Huber is a health and science writer based in Oakland.
Sep 14, 2011
Daniel Imhoff Daniel Imhoff
Daniel Imhoff is an author and president of Watershed Media and the Wild Farm Alliance.
Sep 14, 2011
Anna Lappé Anna Lappé
Anna Lappé is the co-founder of the Small Planet Institute and Small Planet Fund and a bestselling author, most recently of Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It.
Sep 14, 2011
Paula Crossfield Paula Crossfield
Paula Crossfield is the managing editor of
Sep 14, 2011
Josh Eidelson Josh Eidelson
Josh Eidelson ( is a Nation contributor and was a union organizer for five years. He covers labor for as a contributing writer at Salon and In These Times.
Sep 12, 2011