Kiera Feldman Kiera Feldman
Kiera Feldman, a Brooklyn-based journalist, has reported for Mother Jones, n+1, PRI’s The World, AlterNet and Killing the Buddha.
Jun 15, 2011
Ansel Herz Ansel Herz
Ansel Herz is a freelance multimedia journalist based in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. His work has been published by Haiti Liberté, Reuters Alertnet, Inter-Press Service and Free Speech Radio News (FSRN).
Jun 15, 2011
Ed Sanders Ed Sanders
Jun 15, 2011
Mike Honda Mike Honda
Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) is Senior Democratic Whip and member of House Budget and Appropriations Committees.
Jun 14, 2011
Marcy Wheeler Marcy Wheeler
Marcy Wheeler is a journalist with, a project of the Institute for Public Accuracy. She also blogs at Emptywheel and writes widely about the legal aspects of the “war on terror” and its effects on civil liberties.
Jun 13, 2011
Amanda Marcotte Amanda Marcotte
Amanda Marcotte is a feminist writer and blogger who blogs at Pandagon, Slate's Double X and RH Reality Check. She has published two books with Seal Press on feminism and liberal politics.
Jun 8, 2011
Jamie Raskin Jamie Raskin
Jamie Raskin, a professor of constitutional law at American University, is a member of the Maryland State Senate, where he serves as majority whip. He recently led the successful floor fight in the Senate to repeal the death penalty in his state.
Jun 8, 2011
William Lerach William Lerach
William Lerach was a lawyer who specialized in representing investors and consumers. He obtained recoveries for victims totaling more than $40 billion, including $7.2 billion for Enron stockholders, the largest shareholder recovery in history.
Jun 8, 2011
Christopher Mackin Christopher Mackin
Christopher Mackin is the Ray Carey Fellow in Democratic Capitalism at Rutgers University. He is an adviser to companies, unions and government on employee ownership issues.
Jun 8, 2011
Barbara Dudley Barbara Dudley
Barbara Dudley is co-chair of the Oregon Working Families Party.
Jun 8, 2011