Sue Woodman Sue Woodman
Sue Woodman is a writer specializing in health and social issues.
Apr 14, 2010
J. West J. West
John West, a former Reuters Middle East bureau chief, heads the London-based Institute for War & Peace Reporting’s Afghan journalist training project in Kabul.
Apr 14, 2010
Tony Clarke Tony Clarke
Tony Clarke is the director of the Polaris Institute. He serves on the board of the International Forum on Globalization and is the co-author, with Maude Barlow, of Blue Gold: The…
Apr 14, 2010
Julian Epstein Julian Epstein
Julian Epstein was the chief minority counsel to the House Judiciary Committee and, before that, the majority staff director of the House Government Operations Committee.
Apr 14, 2010
Steven Dudley Steven Dudley
Steven Dudley, who reports for NPR from Bogotá, is currently finishing a book on Colombia to be published by Routledge.
Apr 14, 2010
Elayne Tobin Elayne Tobin
Elayne Tobin is at work on a book called Fearing for Our Lives: Biography and Middlebrow Culture in Late Twentieth-Century America. She is currently a visiting assistant professor…
Apr 14, 2010
Edward Hoagland Edward Hoagland
Edward Hoagland’s seventeen books include African Calliope, about Sudan; he has written on Yemen, Uganda, India and other places. He recently published a memoir, Compass Points (Vi…
Apr 14, 2010
John McMillian John McMillian
John McMillian is an assistant professor of history at Georgia State University.
Apr 14, 2010
Wilson da Silva Wilson da Silva
Wilson da Silva, an Australian journalist, has reported on East Timor for Reuters and the Australian Financial Review Magazine. He was writer and producer of The Diplomat, an award…
Apr 14, 2010