
Elayne Tobin Elayne Tobin

Elayne Tobin is at work on a book called Fearing for Our Lives: Biography and Middlebrow Culture in Late Twentieth-Century America. She is currently a visiting assistant professor…

Apr 14, 2010

Edward Hoagland Edward Hoagland

Edward Hoagland’s seventeen books include African Calliope, about Sudan; he has written on Yemen, Uganda, India and other places. He recently published a memoir, Compass Points (Vi…

Apr 14, 2010

John McMillian John McMillian

John McMillian is an assistant professor of history at Georgia State University.

Apr 14, 2010

Wilson da Silva Wilson da Silva

Wilson da Silva, an Australian journalist, has reported on East Timor for Reuters and the Australian Financial Review Magazine. He was writer and producer of The Diplomat, an award…

Apr 14, 2010

James X. Dempsey James X. Dempsey

James X. Dempsey is the author, with David Cole, of Terrorism & the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security (New Press).

Apr 14, 2010

John Dicker John Dicker

John Dicker is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, New York.

Apr 14, 2010

Jock Ferguson Jock Ferguson

Jock Ferguson has been an investigative journalist for thirty years.

Apr 14, 2010

John Densmore John Densmore

John Densmore is a member of The Doors and author of the bestselling Riders on the Storm (Bantam).

Apr 14, 2010

Anthony Arnove Anthony Arnove

Anthony Arnove is the editor of Terrorism and War (Seven Stories), a collection of interviews with Howard Zinn, and an editor at International Socialist Review.

Apr 14, 2010

Eric Zencey Eric Zencey

Eric Zencey is the author of a novel, Panama (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), and a collection of essays on nature, Virgin Forest (Georgia). He is at work on a second novel and a sec…

Apr 14, 2010
