Richard B. Freeman Richard B. Freeman
Richard B. Freeman, the director of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s labor studies program, teaches at Harvard University and works at the London School of Economic…
Apr 14, 2010
Arthur L. Caplan Arthur L. Caplan
Arthur L. Caplan is Emanuel & Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Apr 14, 2010
Edward J. Klaris Edward J. Klaris
Edward J. Klaris is general counsel of The New Yorker.
Apr 14, 2010
Dick Flacks Dick Flacks
Dick Flacks teaches sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and is the author of Making History: The American Left and the American Mind (Columbia).
Apr 14, 2010
Joanne Barkan Joanne Barkan
Joanne Barkan, author of Visions of Emancipation: The Italian Workers’ Movement Since 1945 (Praeger), is a freelance writer living in New York City and Truro, Massachusetts.
Apr 14, 2010
Deanne Stillman Deanne Stillman
Deanne Stillman is the author of the critically acclaimed Twentynine Palms: A True Story of Murder, Marines, and the Mojave (Morrow). She also writes for Rolling Stone (the Robert…
Apr 14, 2010
Will Evans Will Evans
Will Evans is an associate reporter with the Center for Investigative Reporting.
Apr 14, 2010
Eve Pell Eve Pell
Eve Pell writes about civil liberties and freedom of information at the Center for Investigative Reporting in San Francisco.
Apr 14, 2010
William F. Schulz William F. Schulz
William F. Schulz is executive director of Amnesty International USA and the author of In Our Own Best Interest: How Defending Human Rights Benefits Us All (Beacon).
Apr 14, 2010