Bekah Waalkes Bekah Waalkes
Sep 11, 2023
Isabel Allende Bussi Isabel Allende Bussi
Isabel Allende Bussi represents the Atacama Region in the Chilean senate. She is the daughter of former president Salvador Allende. Her memoir, 11 de septiembre 1973: Esa semana, f…
Sep 8, 2023
Rashida Tlaib Rashida Tlaib
Rashida Tlaib is the US representative for Michigan’s 12th Congressional District.
Sep 7, 2023
Cori Bush Cori Bush
Cori Bush is the US representative for Missouri’s First Congressional District.
Sep 7, 2023
Ashley Smith Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith is a socialist writer and activist in Burlington, Vt.
Sep 6, 2023
Brandon D.L. Marshall Brandon D.L. Marshall
Dr. Brandon Marshall is a professor of epidemiology at Brown University and is the founding director of the People, Place and Health Collective at the Brown University School of Pu…
Sep 6, 2023
Alexandria Macmadu Alexandria Macmadu
Dr. Alexandria Macmadu is a presidential postdoctoral fellow at Brown University and is a member of the People, Place and Health Collective at the Brown University School of Public…
Sep 6, 2023
Lajward Zahra Lajward Zahra
Sep 6, 2023
Frank Guridy Frank Guridy
Frank Guridy is a professor of African American and African diaspora studies at Columbia University and the author of The Sports Revolution: How Texas Changed the Culture of Americ…
Sep 5, 2023