
Deeksha Udupa Deeksha Udupa

Deeksha Udupa is a fact-checker and editorial intern at The Nation.

Apr 5, 2023

Raqib Hameed Naik Raqib Hameed Naik

Raqib Hameed Naik is a US-based Kashmiri journalist who covers human rights, religious minorities, and Hindu nationalism.

Apr 5, 2023

Jonathan Lethem Jonathan Lethem

Jonathan Lethem’s 13th novel, Brooklyn Crime Novel, will be published in October.

Apr 5, 2023

Becca Roskill Becca Roskill

Becca Roskill is a member of UAW Local 2710–Student Workers of Columbia and an organizer in the reform caucus Unite All Workers for Democracy.

Apr 5, 2023

Chris Smalls Chris Smalls

Chris Smalls is the founder and president of the Amazon Labor Union, an independent, democratic, worker-led labor union at Amazon in Staten Island.

Apr 5, 2023

Gustavo Ajche Gustavo Ajche

Gustavo Ajche is a member leader of the Worker’s Justice Project and cofounder of Los Deliveristas Unidos, a collective of delivery workers fighting for new labor standards in the…

Apr 5, 2023

T.J. Clark T.J. Clark

T.J. Clark taught for many years at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers; Farewell t…

Apr 5, 2023

Alessandra C. Alessandra C.

Alessandra C. (a pseudonym) is a 16-year-old high school student and journalist.

Apr 5, 2023

Jorge Cotte Jorge Cotte

Jorge Cotte is a writer living in Chicago. His essays and reviews have appeared in The Los Angeles Review of Books and The New Inquiry.

Apr 5, 2023

Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh

Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh serves as lead counsel to Vanuatu in its pursuit of an advisory opinion on climate change from the International Court of Justice. She is also a law prof…

Apr 5, 2023
