
Michael Corcoran Michael Corcoran

Michael Corcoran is a journalist based in Vermont and a former Nation intern. His work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the Globe‘s Thinking Politics weblog, Common Dreams a…

Apr 2, 2010

Jen Marlowe Jen Marlowe

Jen Marlowe is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and the author of The Hour of Sunlight: One Palestinian’s Journey from Prisoner to Peacemaker (2011, Nation Books) and Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival (2006, Nation Books). She is the founder of “donkeysaddleprojects” and is on the board of the Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre.

Apr 2, 2010

Ali Sethi Ali Sethi

Ali Sethi is a former Nation intern.

Apr 2, 2010

Amanda Spake Amanda Spake

Amanda Spake is a Katrina Media Fellow and contributing editor to U.S. News and World Report.

Apr 2, 2010

Sunil Dutta Sunil Dutta

Sunil Dutta, a sergeant in the Los Angeles Police Department, is working on a memoir, From Punjab to South Central Los Angeles.

Apr 2, 2010

Tadeusz Rózewicz Tadeusz Rózewicz

Apr 2, 2010

Beccah Golubock Watson Beccah Golubock Watson

Beccah Golubock Watson is a former Nation intern currently working as a researcher. She grew up in Washington, DC, and graduated from Harvard. She has written for Newsweek and the…

Apr 2, 2010

Magdalena Rittenhouse Magdalena Rittenhouse

Magdalena Rittenhouse, a native of Poland, is a freelance writer currently based in New York. A former Nation intern, she has worked for several news organizations, including the A…

Apr 2, 2010

Charles A. Miller Charles A. Miller

Charles A. Miller is a retired college teacher and author of The Supreme Court and the Uses of History.

Apr 2, 2010

Harrison E. Salisbury Harrison E. Salisbury

Apr 2, 2010
