
Peter Plagens Peter Plagens

Peter Plagens, art critic for Newsweek, is the author of Sunshine Muse: Art on the West Coast, 1945-70 and the novel Time for Robo, among other works. He is also a painter.

Apr 2, 2010

Barry Schwabsky Barry Schwabsky

Barry Schwabsky is the art critic of The Nation. Schwabsky has been writing about art for the magazine since 2005, and his essays have appeared in many other publications, including Flash Art (Milan), Artforum, the London Review of Books and Art in America. His books include The Widening Circle: Con­sequences of Modernism in Contemporary Art, Vitamin P: New Perspectives in Painting and several volumes of poetry, the most recent being Book Left Open in the Rain (Black Square Editions/The Brooklyn Rail). Schwabsky has contributed to books and catalogs on artists such as Henri Matisse, Alighiero Boetti, Jessica Stockholder and Gillian Wearing, and has taught at the School of Visual Arts, Pratt Institute, New York University, Goldsmiths College (University of London) and Yale University.

Apr 2, 2010

Karen J. Greenberg Karen J. Greenberg

Karen J. Greenberg is the Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School and author of the book The Least Worst Place.

Apr 2, 2010

Moustafa Bayoumi Moustafa Bayoumi

Moustafa Bayoumi, a professor at Brooklyn College, is a co-editor of The Edward Said Reader (Vintage) and the author of How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America (Penguin Press).

Apr 2, 2010

Jonathan H. Marks Jonathan H. Marks

Jonathan H. Marks is a barrister at Matrix Chambers, London, and a veteran of the Pinochet case. He is currently Greenwall Fellow in Bioethics at Georgetown University Law Center a…

Apr 2, 2010

Tara McKelvey Tara McKelvey

Tara McKelvey, a 2011 Guggenheim fellow, is the author of Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War. She writes frequently for The New York Times Book Review.

Apr 2, 2010

Anthony Lewis Anthony Lewis

Anthony Lewis is a former New York Times columnist.

Apr 2, 2010

Heather Rogers Heather Rogers

Heather Rogers is a journalist and filmmaker, and is the author of the recently published Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage (The New Press).

Apr 2, 2010

Jack Rakove Jack Rakove

Jack Rakove is W. R. Coe Professor of History and American Studies and professor of political science at Stanford University. He is the author of four books, including Original Mea…

Apr 2, 2010

Emily Galpern Emily Galpern

Emily Galpern is project director at the Center for Genetics and Society, an Oakland, California-based public-interest organization advocating the responsible use and regulation of…

Apr 2, 2010
