
Ellen Chesler Ellen Chesler

Ellen Chesler is Distinguished Lecturer at Hunter College/CUNY. Woman of Valor, her biography of Margaret Sanger, has just been re-released by Simon & Schuster in paperback.

Apr 2, 2010

Anne Waldman Anne Waldman

Apr 2, 2010

Richard Parker Richard Parker

Richard Parker, a Nation editorial board member, teaches at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and cofounded Mother Jones. He is the biographer of John Kenneth Galbr…

Apr 2, 2010

Frances Kissling Frances Kissling

Frances Kissling is president of the Center for Health, Ethics and Social Policy and former president of Catholics for Choice.

Apr 2, 2010

Michael Kazin Michael Kazin

Michael Kazin teaches history at Georgetown University. He is co-editor of Dissent and the author of American Dreamers: How the Left Changed a Nation, which will be published next year by Knopf.

Apr 2, 2010

Jeff Gillenkirk Jeff Gillenkirk

Jeff Gillenkirk is a former speechwriter for New York Governor Mario Cuomo.

Apr 2, 2010

Danny Schechter Danny Schechter

“News Dissector” Danny Schechter, executive editor of MediaChannel. org (dissector at, directed the film In Debt We Trust ( and has…

Apr 2, 2010

David Swanson David Swanson

David Swanson is the author of the new book Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union (Seven Stories Press, 2009). He holds a master’s degree…

Apr 2, 2010

Catharine R. Stimpson Catharine R. Stimpson

Catharine R. Stimpson is a writer and educator who lives in New York.

Apr 2, 2010

Jeff Cohen Jeff Cohen

Jeff Cohen is the founder of the media watch group FAIR and co-founder of

Apr 2, 2010
