
Peter Singer Peter Singer

Peter Singer is professor of bioethics at Princeton University. His most recent book, co-authored with Jim Mason, is The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter.

Apr 2, 2010

Max Holland Max Holland

Apr 2, 2010

Bruce Neuborne Bruce Neuborne

Apr 2, 2010

Phyllis Bennis Phyllis Bennis

Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies and of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. She is active in the US and global Palestinian rights and peace movements, and her books include Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power and Ending the US War in Afghanistan: A Primer.

Apr 2, 2010

Mansour Farhang Mansour Farhang

Mansour Farhang, a professor of politics at Bennington College, writes frequently on Iran and is the author of U.S. Imperialism (South End) and other works.

Apr 2, 2010

Abraham Brumberg Abraham Brumberg

Abraham Brumberg has written extensively on Russian and Eastern European developments.

Apr 2, 2010

Marcy Darnovsky Marcy Darnovsky

Marcy Darnovsky is associate director at the Center for Genetics and Society, an Oakland-based public-interest organization advocating the responsible use and regulation of human g…

Apr 2, 2010

Susannah Vila Susannah Vila

Susannah Vila (susannah vila at is a freelance journalist in New York.

Apr 2, 2010

Tom Wells Tom Wells

Apr 2, 2010

Ruth Messinger Ruth Messinger

Ruth Messinger is a social justice advocate and activist, working as a consultant in the Jewish and interfaith communities.

Apr 2, 2010
