E.L. Doctorow E.L. Doctorow
E.L. Doctorow’s All the Time in the World: New and Selected Stories was recently published in paperback.
Apr 2, 2010
Jan Schakowsky Jan Schakowsky
Jan Schakowsky, ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, has represented Illinois’s 9th District since 1999.
Apr 2, 2010
Celinda Lake Celinda Lake
Celinda Lake is a prominent pollster and political strategist for progressives. She currently serves as President of Lake Research Partners. Lake’s polling and strategic advice has…
Apr 2, 2010
Paul Newman Paul Newman
Paul Newman, one of the greatest actors of his generation and an ardent advocate for peace and progressive causes, was a great friend and supporter of The Nation, and an occasional…
Apr 2, 2010
Jon Elliston Jon Elliston
Jon Elliston, news editor for the Asheville, North Carolina, Mountain Xpress, is the author of Disaster in the Making, an investigative report on FEMA funded by the Association of…
Apr 2, 2010
Catherine Lutz Catherine Lutz
Catherine Lutz is the author of Homefront: A Military City and the American 20th Century (Beacon).
Apr 2, 2010
Nancy MacLean Nancy MacLean
Nancy MacLean teaches history at Northwestern University. She is the author of Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan (Oxford) and, most recently, ̶…
Apr 2, 2010
Charles Kernaghan Charles Kernaghan
Charles Kernaghan is executive director of the National Labor Committee in Support of Human and Worker Rights, headquartered in New York City.
Apr 2, 2010
Melvin Jules Bukiet Melvin Jules Bukiet
Melvin Jules Bukiet’s most recent novels are After and Signs and Wonders (both Picador). His next, forthcoming from Norton, is Strange Fire. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence Coll…
Apr 2, 2010
Tatiana Siegel Tatiana Siegel
Tatiana Siegel is a writer at the Environmental Policy Center in San Francisco whose criticism has also appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle and Bay Nature magazine. She is curr…
Apr 2, 2010