
Ellen Meyers Ellen Meyers

Ellen Meyers, a writer living in Brooklyn, has had a long and distinguished career in education. She serves on the advisory board of the Hope Reichbach Fund, which provides fellows…

Oct 27, 2022

Walter Thomas-Patterson Walter Thomas-Patterson

Walter Thomas-Patterson is a writer and a student at Oberlin College.

Oct 27, 2022

Nina Baker Nina Baker

Nina Baker is a Puffin StudentNation fall writing fellow and a student at Grinnell College, where she is the community editor at The Scarlet & Black. Her work has appeared in P…

Oct 27, 2022

Ben Schwartz Ben Schwartz

Ben Schwartz is an Emmy-nominated writer whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The New Republic, The New York Times, and many other publications.

Oct 27, 2022

Ava Young-Stoner Ava Young-Stoner

Ava Young-Stoner is a writer and student at Columbia University.

Oct 27, 2022

Lena P. Afridi Lena P. Afridi

Lena P. Afridi is a writer and researcher from New York City and Karachi, Pakistan. Lena is trained in urban planning and has written about and organized around work, cities, and r…

Oct 26, 2022

Ela Bittencourt Ela Bittencourt

Ela Bittencourt is a critic and cultural journalist, currently based in São Paulo.

Oct 26, 2022

Kiana Karimi Kiana Karimi

Kiana Karimi is a PhD candidate in performance studies at New York University.

Oct 26, 2022

Stanislav Kucher Stanislav Kucher

Stanislav Kucher is a journalist, filmmaker and former Russian TV presenter. He worked previously as editor-in-chief of the RTVI-US TV network, chief political analyst and creative…

Oct 26, 2022

Cameron Oglesby Cameron Oglesby

Cameron Oglesby is a youth environmental justice advocate, oral historian, ecologist, consultant, and award-winning journalist who is passionate about the integration of community-…

Oct 25, 2022
