
Barbara Miner Barbara Miner

Barbara Miner is managing editor of Rethinking Schools (, an education reform journal based in Milwaukee.

Apr 2, 2010

Jordan Moss Jordan Moss

Jordan Moss is editor of the Norwood News, a Bronx community newspaper.

Apr 2, 2010

Bill Berkowitz Bill Berkowitz

Bill Berkowitz is a freelance writer and longtime observer of the conservative movement who is a regular contributor to Working Assets’ website. Contact…

Apr 2, 2010

Adrian Brune Adrian Brune

Adrian Brune is a freelance writer at work on a book about early-twentieth-century race riots.

Apr 2, 2010

Philip A. Klinkner Philip A. Klinkner

Philip A. Klinkner teaches government at Hamilton College. His most recent book, The Unsteady March: The Rise and Decline of Racial Equality in America, is available in paperback (…

Apr 2, 2010

Eileen Myles Eileen Myles

Eileen Myles is the author of two new poetry collections, Skies (/Black Sparrow) and on my way (Faux Press).

Apr 2, 2010

Eric C. Olson Eric C. Olson

A former legislative aide to Vermont Representative Bernie Sanders, Eric C. Olson is deputy director of the Center for Voting and Democracy ( in Takoma Park, Maryl…

Apr 2, 2010

David Yaffe David Yaffe

David Yaffe is the author, most recently, of Bob Dylan: Like A Complete Unknown (Yale). 

Apr 2, 2010

Suzanne Gordon Suzanne Gordon

Health care journalist Suzanne Gordon is the author of the Battle for Veterans’ Healthcare: Dispatches from the Frontlines of Policy Making and Patient Care (Cornell Publishing), a…

Apr 2, 2010

Peter Kwong Peter Kwong

Peter Kwong, a professor of Asian American studies at Hunter College, is co-author of Chinese America: The Untold Story of America’s Oldest New Community.

Apr 2, 2010
