
Silja J.A. Talvi Silja J.A. Talvi

Talvi’s work has appeared in a wide variety newspapers and magazines nationwide, as well as several book anthologies including Body Outlaws (Seal Press, 2004, 3rd edition), P…

Apr 2, 2010

Philip Nobel Philip Nobel

Philip Nobel writes for Metropolis, Artforum, the New York Times and Architectural Digest. He is trained as an architect.

Apr 2, 2010

Eric Schlosser Eric Schlosser

Eric Schlosser is the author of Fast Food Nation and a co-producer of the documentary Food, Inc.    

Apr 2, 2010

Forrest Church Forrest Church

Forrest Church is senior minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in New York City. His most recent book is The American Creed: A Spiritual and Patriotic Primer.

Apr 2, 2010

Emma Ruby-Sachs Emma Ruby-Sachs

Emma Ruby-Sachs, a student at Wesleyan University, was a Nation intern for summer 2002.

Apr 2, 2010

Jacob Hodes Jacob Hodes

Jacob Hodes was a Nation intern for summer 2002.

Apr 2, 2010

Angela Bonavoglia Angela Bonavoglia

Angela Bonavoglia is the author of Good Catholic Girls:  How Women Are Leading the Fight to Change the Church (Harper Collins). A former contributing editor to Ms., her articles and essays have appeared in many newspapers and magazines. She blogs at the Women’s Media Center and the Huffington Post; her website is

Apr 2, 2010

Charlotte Innes Charlotte Innes

Charlotte Innes, a writer in Los Angeles, reviews books for various publications. She also recently won a first prize in the “Poetry in the Windows” contest in Los Ange…

Apr 2, 2010

Leonard Kriegel Leonard Kriegel

Leonard Kriegel’s latest book is Flying Solo (Beacon). He lives and writes in Manhattan, where he is currently working on a series of new essays for a book about life in New…

Apr 2, 2010

Stacey Butterfield Stacey Butterfield

Stacey Butterfield is currently the Nation’s Washington, DC, intern.

Apr 2, 2010
