After the Chemical Attack, It’s Time to Get Rid of the ‘Muslim Ban’ After the Chemical Attack, It’s Time to Get Rid of the ‘Muslim Ban’
Now that he cares about the fate of Syrian children, Trump should open up our country—not bomb theirs.
Apr 12, 2017 / Peter Certo

Under Trump, the United States May Now Be Killing More Civilians Than Russia Under Trump, the United States May Now Be Killing More Civilians Than Russia
With mass-casualty events from Raqqa to Mosul, some think the US military is scrapping rules designed to protect innocents.
Mar 29, 2017 / Peter Certo

There Was Nothing Moderate About Trump’s Speech to Congress There Was Nothing Moderate About Trump’s Speech to Congress
The president’s obsession with Muslims and immigrants gives cover to a simmering white nationalist movement at home.
Mar 1, 2017 / Peter Certo

A Real ‘Political Revolution’ Would End the War in Iraq A Real ‘Political Revolution’ Would End the War in Iraq
Taking the diplomatic road on Iraq and Syria would let Sanders get back to the business he started in 2002—making space between himself and Hillary Clinton on the Middle East.
Feb 19, 2016 / Peter Certo

Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State
The Obama administration’s war plans in Iraq and Syria are illegal, ill-conceived and destined to fail. Here’s what the US—and you—can do instead.
Oct 2, 2014 / Peter Certo and Foreign Policy In Focus