How Did Marxism Become Marxism? How Did Marxism Become Marxism?
A new book examines a set of thinkers and activists who helped transform a set of radical ideas into a political tradition.
Dec 11, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

Walter Benjamin’s Radio Years Walter Benjamin’s Radio Years
After the faculty of philosophy in Frankfurt rejected his dissertation and dashed his hopes for an academic career, the Marxist critic found work as a radio broadcaster.
Aug 8, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

Theodor Adorno and the Crises of Liberalism Theodor Adorno and the Crises of Liberalism
At the center of Adorno’s work was a reminder that fascist movements are not exceptional to liberal democracy but signs of its failure.
Dec 15, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

Martin Hägglund’s Case for Socialism Martin Hägglund’s Case for Socialism
If we knew there were no afterlife, would we make this life better?
Sep 23, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

Eyewitness to the German Revolution Eyewitness to the German Revolution
Victor Klemperer’s dispatches from interwar Germany.
Jan 10, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

Saul Friedländer’s Many Lives Saul Friedländer’s Many Lives
What is the relationship between the Holocaust’s history and its memory?
Feb 15, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

A Lion in Winter A Lion in Winter
Jürgen Habermas remains an indispensable guide to the unfinished project of democratic consciousness and enlightenment.
Sep 14, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

The Odd Couple The Odd Couple
Through their editorial work on the writings of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno and Gershom Scholem forged an unlikely friendship.
Jun 9, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon

An Opera of Permanent Catastrophe, and of Hope An Opera of Permanent Catastrophe, and of Hope
A new production of Alban Berg’s Lulu reveals the explosive powers still manifest in modern art.
Dec 3, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Peter E. Gordon