Peter Kornbluh


Peter Kornbluh, a longtime contributor to The Nation on Cuba, is co-author, with William M. LeoGrande, of Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations Between Washington and Havana. Kornbluh is also the author of The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability.

Letter From Chile Letter From Chile

Pinochet's indictment marks a new era.

Jan 13, 2005 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

Pinochet, Stripped Pinochet, Stripped

In years past, the cronies of Gen.

Sep 9, 2004 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Chile, 9/11/73 Chile, 9/11/73

Declassified documents reveal the US government's role in the Pinochet coup.

Sep 11, 2003 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

Opening to Cuba Opening to Cuba

"I am here in the hope that we can do business," Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura told a Cuban audience after cutting the ceremonial ribbon with Fidel Castro to open the recent...

Oct 3, 2002 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Mr. Carter Goes to Cuba Mr. Carter Goes to Cuba

"I have concluded that we should attempt to achieve normalization of our relations with Cuba," Jimmy Carter proclaimed in a secret Presidential Directive shortly after taking offi...

May 16, 2002 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Cuban Embargo-Buster? Cuban Embargo-Buster?

Food companies ship supplies to Cuba in the aftermath of Hurricane Michelle, in what could be the beginning of the end for the tediously long US embargo of the island country.

Dec 13, 2001 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Bush’s Contra Buddies Bush’s Contra Buddies

The current President George Bush, whose very name evokes a dark era many would prefer to forget, seems determined to resurrect the ghosts of America's scandal-ridden past. A numb...

Apr 19, 2001 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Accountability on Chile Accountability on Chile

"Actions approved by the U.S. government aggravated political polarization and affected Chile's long tradition of democratic elections and respect for constitutional order and th...

Nov 27, 2000 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

CIA Outrages in Chile CIA Outrages in Chile

"Covert action," the late Senator Frank Church concluded in 1976 after his long inquiry into CIA operations in Chile and elsewhere, is a "semantic disguise for murder, coercion, ...

Sep 28, 2000 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh

Life of a Scandal Life of a Scandal

In mid-October 1996, two months after the publication of Gary Webb's series "Dark Alliance" in the San Jose Mercury News, an extraordinary town meeting took place in Compton, Cal...

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh
