Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Why Are Students Protesting Wendy’s and Publix?

Why Are Students Protesting Wendy’s and Publix? Why Are Students Protesting Wendy’s and Publix?

The indefatigable Coalition of Immokalee Workers recently wrapped up its ten-day, ten-city tour aimed at the remaining holdouts to the Fair Food Program.

Mar 26, 2014 / Peter Rothberg

The Fight Against Mass Surveillance

The Fight Against Mass Surveillance The Fight Against Mass Surveillance

Today more than 5,000 organizations, including The Nation, are participating in “The Day We Fight Back” a worldwide day of activism in opposition to the NSA’s mas...

Feb 11, 2014 / Peter Rothberg

Youth Plan Mass Civil Disobedience to Protest Keystone XL

Youth Plan Mass Civil Disobedience to Protest Keystone XL Youth Plan Mass Civil Disobedience to Protest Keystone XL

The Keystone XL fight has become an iconic issue for environmentally-minded young people across the country.

Feb 6, 2014 / Peter Rothberg

This Commercial Should Make Every Parent Vow to Never Shop at Toys“R”Us

This Commercial Should Make Every Parent Vow to Never Shop at Toys“R”Us This Commercial Should Make Every Parent Vow to Never Shop at Toys“R”Us

The spot explains that nature sucks but a stroll through the plastic corridors of Toys“R”Us is just what young minds need to stimulate their inner creativity and happin...

Dec 4, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

How to Help in the Philippines

How to Help in the Philippines How to Help in the Philippines

The need for outside assistance is urgent.

Nov 10, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Join the Largest Privacy Protest Ever This Weekend

Join the Largest Privacy Protest Ever This Weekend Join the Largest Privacy Protest Ever This Weekend

The demand is for a full congressional investigation of America’s surveillance programs and accountability from public officials responsible for hiding this surveillance from...

Oct 23, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Busting Food Myths for Two Generations

Busting Food Myths for Two Generations Busting Food Myths for Two Generations

There may be no family in the history of the republic which has done more to promote culinary awareness, sustainability and food justice than the indefatigable Lappé clan.

Oct 21, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Evangeline Lilly Explains How the Government Tracks You

Evangeline Lilly Explains How the Government Tracks You Evangeline Lilly Explains How the Government Tracks You

“The government has turned the Internet we love into something it was never intended to be: a tool for surveilling everyone.”

Oct 17, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Five Videos for Columbus Day Five Videos for Columbus Day

The Columbus Day holiday has always been controversial.

Oct 14, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Stand Up for Toni Morrison During Banned Books Week

Stand Up for Toni Morrison During Banned Books Week Stand Up for Toni Morrison During Banned Books Week

The groundbreaking novel The Bluest Eye is under fire in Morrison’s home state of Ohio.

Sep 24, 2013 / Peter Rothberg
