Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Stop the AIG Plunder Stop the AIG Plunder

The people in AIG's financial products division are as responsible as anyone for the severity of our economic meltdown. And yet, they're currently receiving $450 million in bonuse...

Mar 17, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

The USPS Still Matters The USPS Still Matters

You may have heard that the United States Postal Service is in dire financial straits, having lost $2.8 billion in 2008 and on track to lose twice that much this year. Things are ...

Mar 11, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Michael Pollan Wants Your Help Michael Pollan Wants Your Help

The great food writer Michael Pollan, author of The Botany of Desire, the Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food, has gained a passionate following by encouraging us to change ...

Mar 10, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Push Back Regressive Drug Laws Push Back Regressive Drug Laws

In her latest post, my boss Katrina vanden Heuvel highlights efforts to have New York State's draconian Rockefeller drug laws taken off the books. Tomorrow, March 10, thousands of...

Mar 9, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Foodies Address the Slavery Issue Foodies Address the Slavery Issue

At The Nation we've tried to keep up on the good work of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, an organization comprised chiefly of Latino, Haitian and Mayan Indian immigrants worki...

Mar 4, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

The Amendment Hustle The Amendment Hustle

Greg Kaufmann, who has been blogging about the DC voting rights legislation, writes that events have reached a critical stage and Nation readers can play a crucial role. Is there...

Feb 26, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

End Mountaintop Removal End Mountaintop Removal

Thanks to author and activist Jeff Biggers for alerting me to a powerful appeal made recently to President Obama to immediately halt mountaintop removal, a radical form of coal mi...

Feb 24, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Taking a Stand on Global Warming Taking a Stand on Global Warming

This is Dr. James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, calling on Americans to join him on March 2nd at the Capitol Power Plant in what is expected to be a massi...

Feb 20, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Power Shift 09 Power Shift 09

As the battle to pass the stimulus bill demonstrates, real change will not come easily. And it won't come at all without popular pressure pushing the White House and Congress on n...

Feb 13, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Fighting for Our Homes Fighting for Our Homes

The Senate approved an $838 billion economic rescue plan today, setting the stage for tough haggling this week over the final package of tax cuts and spending aimed at averting a ...

Feb 10, 2009 / Peter Rothberg
