Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Bush’s Midnight Regulations Bush’s Midnight Regulations

President Bush may have hospitably welcomed his successor and his wife into the White House while promising a "transition of the highest order," but despite voters' overwhelming r...

Dec 17, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Toxic Toys Toxic Toys

For the second straight year, is highlighting test results for more than 1,500 toys and children's products. Researchers at the Ecology Center, a Michigan-based n...

Dec 15, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

The Grinch as Hero The Grinch as Hero

My blogging has been off lately as I've been recuperating from my first-ever bout of food poisoning. Nasty thing. If you're ever so unlucky, check here. But I'm healthy now and ...

Dec 9, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

World AIDS Day World AIDS Day

Despite the dramatic costs that the AIDS virus is still exacting, many people have the mistaken impression that the epidemic has been virtually conquered in the US and is now just...

Dec 1, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Power Shift 2009 Power Shift 2009

In November of 2007 the Energy Action Coalition brought together more than 6,000 young activists for the first ever national youth conference to solve the climate crisis. Watch hi...

Nov 25, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Block Bush’s Pardons Block Bush’s Pardons

Our friends at have launched a campaign in support of Rep. Jerry Nadler's H.Res. 1531. The New York City Congressman and Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on the C...

Nov 24, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Take the Joe Lieberman Pledge Take the Joe Lieberman Pledge

As my colleague John Nichols reports, to the surprise of few on Capitol Hill -- but to the disappointment of many beyond the beltway -- Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman will reta...

Nov 18, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

No to Lawrence Summers No to Lawrence Summers

President-elect Obama rightly spoke often on the campaign trail about the perils of deregulation and trade agreements that do not include worker and environmental protections. Th...

Nov 11, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Pushing Obama Pushing Obama

As talk turns to whom the new President will appoint to his cabinet and what tasks they'll immediately turn themselves to in the first 100 days, a stirring new video from our frie...

Nov 10, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Voters Reject Abortion Bans in South Dakota, Colorado. Voters Reject Abortion Bans in South Dakota, Colorado.

More Good News From Last Night: In the last few months I wrote about calls to action against two draconian state referendums intended to deprive women of their legally-guaranteed...

Nov 5, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
