Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Where To Party Where To Party

Far be it from me to jinx things but I'm not superstitious, reports are that efforts to protect voting rights are working, and the early exit polls, as imperfect as exit polling m...

Nov 4, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Voting Incidents Being Reported Nationwide Voting Incidents Being Reported Nationwide

After two years, $2.5 billion, hundreds of speeches and dozens of debates, the most historic election campaign in modern American history is finally drawing to a close. Yesterda...

Nov 4, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Combat Vote Suppression Combat Vote Suppression

This longest election campaign in American history, soon to be concluded, has seen a record number of new voters registered. In Connecticut, more than 300,000 new voters have a...

Nov 3, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Studs Terkel: Missed Studs Terkel: Missed

Oral historian, rabble-rouser and grand old man of the American left, Studs Terkel died Friday at 96. From Robert LaFollette to Barack Obama he never pulled his punches through th...

Nov 2, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Stop GOP Vote Suppression Stop GOP Vote Suppression

My friend and Nation writer Roberto Lovato has an important post today on his Of America blog. He outlines what to do before the election to safeguard against any possible dirty t...

Oct 28, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Democracy in Action Democracy in Action

Back when Karl Rove was still dreaming of a permanent Republican majority, election 08 was shaping up to be the most extensive laboratory to date for his bag of dirty tricks. In ...

Oct 24, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Video Your Vote Video Your Vote

Two weeks from today, the longest, most historic, and, perhaps, most critical presidential campaign in recent US history, will finally (we hope!) come to a conclusion as a record ...

Oct 21, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Censure Michele Bachmann Censure Michele Bachmann

On last night's episode of MSNBC's Hardball, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota charged Barack Obama and other members of Congress with sharing "anti-American" views. Defending th...

Oct 19, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Send the Next President to Poland Send the Next President to Poland

The United States has historically contributed more to climate change than any other nation, and over the past eight years it's done the least to curb the dangerous trends toward ...

Oct 15, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Planting the Seeds Planting the Seeds

The ACLU is offering 16 young civil liberties activists $12,500 each toward their first year in college. The winners will become part of a special class of scholar-activists, part...

Oct 14, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
