Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Battle in Aurora Battle in Aurora

Aurora, Illinois has become ground zero in the fight for women's access to reproductive health care. Last Thursday a federal judge denied Planned Parenthood's request for an inj...

Sep 25, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Combatants for Peace Combatants for Peace

This past January a ten year old Palestinian girl, Abir Aramin, was hit by a rubber bullet fired by Israeli Border Police as she was making her way home from school in East Jerusa...

Sep 20, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Small Town Injustice in Jena Small Town Injustice in Jena

For an update on the Jena 6 case read my colleague Mark Sorkin's new exclusive online report. I've been meaning to write about the Jena 6 since I first heard the shocking detail...

Sep 11, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

The Shock Doctrine The Shock Doctrine

First, the disclosure: I'm about to praise a new book by a Nation columnist and a friend. This is irrelevant though because if Naomi Klein had never written for the magazine and I...

Sep 7, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Stop Fox’s Fear-Mongering Stop Fox’s Fear-Mongering

With Iraq reaching previously unimaginable levels of violence, with the US military stretched to the breaking point and with America's international reputation in tatters, it's re...

Aug 23, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

The REAL Hot 100 The REAL Hot 100

Do you know a smart, savvy young woman doing great work without receiving the recognition and resources she deserves? Well, then nominate her for this year's REAL hot 100. The pr...

Aug 21, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Exxon vs. Reason Exxon vs. Reason

I've written before about efforts to force ExxonMobile to join the growing mainstream Big Oil acceptance of the need for renewable energy. Well, there have been some successes but...

Aug 17, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Defending Dr. Tiller (Part 2) Defending Dr. Tiller (Part 2)

Last week after reading a post by Cara at Feministing I wrote about Dr. Tiller's case in Kansas and asked Nation readers to support him and his cause. (Thanks to the many of you w...

Aug 15, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Kenneth Foster’s Fate Kenneth Foster’s Fate

In less than three weeks Kenneth Foster, an African American man sentenced to death in 1997 for the murder of Michael LaHood, is scheduled to be executed in Texas. LaHood's actua...

Aug 10, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Defend Dr. Tiller Defend Dr. Tiller

Dr. George Tiller, one of the few late-term abortion providers in the US, pleaded not guilty last Friday to 19 misdemeanor charges brought against him by the state of Kansas. Th...

Aug 7, 2007 / Peter Rothberg
