Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

EFCA Defeated–For Now EFCA Defeated–For Now

I posted last week about the Employee Free Choice Act, which would help ensure that when a majority of employees in a workplace decide to form a union, they can do so without the ...

Jun 26, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Campus Climate Challenge Campus Climate Challenge

Last August in this space, I lauded the great work being done by the student activists behind the Campus Climate Challenge, a project of more than 30 leading youth organizations t...

Jun 21, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Senate Weighs Workers’ Rights–UPDATED Senate Weighs Workers’ Rights–UPDATED

The Senate began debate on the Employee Free Choice Act yesterday as labor and its supporters nationally continued to press lawmakers to support this critical bill. In early Marc...

Jun 14, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Save the Internet–Again Save the Internet–Again

Concerned citizens nationwide are rallying to stop the latest phone and cable company assault on Internet freedom as the Federal Communications Commission weighs new rules to prot...

Jun 12, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Help a Child Take a Vacation from War Help a Child Take a Vacation from War

Since she's not yet blogging herself, I wanted to draw some web users' attention to Nation columnist Katha Pollitt's call for donations to the Bosnian Initiative Frankfurt. Pollit...

Jun 11, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Opposing Occupation Opposing Occupation

This week marks is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of Israel's Six-Day War, when the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza began. On Saturday, June 10 , tens of thousands o...

Jun 5, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Stop Southwick Stop Southwick

Remember the courts? The Bush Administration is trying to slip another extremist judicial appointment through a distracted Congress with the nomination of Leslie H. Southwick, a...

Jun 1, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

EC for Soldiers Too EC for Soldiers Too

Did you know that women in the US armed forces are currently denied access to legal reproductive options? About 350,000 women currently serve in the military, making up about 15...

May 25, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Car Seat Hazards Car Seat Hazards

Car seats are admittedly a parochial concern. And, although I have two small kids at home, car seats are something I haven't had to think about as much as most parents because we'...

May 24, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Save Internet Radio Save Internet Radio

The future of Internet radio is in doubt. Royalty rates for webcasters have been drastically increased by a recent ruling and are due to go into effect on July 15 (retroactive to ...

May 21, 2007 / Peter Rothberg
