Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Gitmo’s Shame Gitmo’s Shame

You would hardly know it from watching the news or reading the papers, but there's a two-month-old hunger strike going on at Guantánamo Bay. After more than three years of intern...

Oct 5, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Support the Anti-Cronyism and Public Safety Act Support the Anti-Cronyism and Public Safety Act

"Crony capitalism," Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer writes this week, "is the name of the Republican game." Scheer couldn't be more correct. The headline of the lead bu...

Sep 29, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Marching for Withdrawal (UPDATED) Marching for Withdrawal (UPDATED)

(The verdict is in! Scroll below for an update on the St. Patrick's Day Four trial.) Tens of thousands of protesters rallied on Saturday in Washington and other US and European c...

Sep 25, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

One More Time–UPDATED One More Time–UPDATED

Scroll down for a new update on the St. Patrick's Day Four Trial. As antiwar sentiment keeps broadening and calls for withdrawal become more and more mainstream, this weekend's a...

Sep 21, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Support the St. Patrick’s Day Four Support the St. Patrick’s Day Four

On March 17, 2003, two days before the US invasion of Iraq commenced, four protesters--now known as the "Saint Patrick's Four"--entered a military recruiting center near Ithaca, N...

Sep 16, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

The Stakes in Roberts’s Nomination The Stakes in Roberts’s Nomination

In the first few days of John G. Roberts, Jr.'s  hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, most Senators have focused their questions on his views of privacy, precedent and ...

Sep 14, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

The Victims of Hurricane Katrina The Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Numerous Nation readers have written us asking for suggestions on where they can send funds to help those devastated by Hurricane Katrina. For straight donations, the American Red...

Sep 2, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Leave My Child Alone Leave My Child Alone

In the new issue of The Nation, Karen Houppert investigates how the US military has gone beyond trying to recruit tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders and is now actively chasing c...

Aug 25, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Sheehan Protest Grows Sheehan Protest Grows

Candlelight vigils calling for an end to the war in Iraq got underway Wednesday night in a national effort spurred by one mother's antiwar demonstration in Crawford, Texas, outsid...

Aug 18, 2005 / Peter Rothberg

Support Cindy Sheehan–UPDATED Support Cindy Sheehan–UPDATED

There are many reasons why Cindy Sheehan is attracting a flood of media attention. The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, Sheehan is camping out near President Bush's ranch in Cr...

Aug 10, 2005 / Peter Rothberg
