Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

On Vacation On Vacation

ActNow is on vacation until June 25. Please take the time to read the archives.

Jun 15, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Protest the Occupation of Iraq Protest the Occupation of Iraq

With the legitimacy of the US occupation of Iraq falling further in doubt, the Bush Administration has turned to the UN for help. However, Tuesday's Security Council resolution a...

Jun 11, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Clean Elections Work Clean Elections Work

Arizona's pioneering system of full public financing of political candidates, called the Clean Elections Act, is under fierce attack by wealthy special interests with deep pocket...

Jun 1, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Gore Blasts Bush on Iraq Gore Blasts Bush on Iraq

Last night, in another of a series of speeches sponsored by, Al Gore spoke to 900 people at New York University in a talk that was interrupted by applause more than a ...

May 27, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Fight for Your Right to Protest Fight for Your Right to Protest

Last week the antiwar coalition United for Peace and Justice's application for a permit to rally on the Great Lawn in Central Park in Manhattan on August 29th was denied. The ra...

May 21, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Occupation Watch Occupation Watch

One of the hallmarks of the Iraqi occupation is the way that new technologies are changing the face of war. The digital cameras that were employed by the Abu Ghraib photographers...

May 13, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Patrick Leahy on US Abuses Patrick Leahy on US Abuses

As Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the ranking member of the Foreign Operations Subcommittee, said in a stirring speech this past Tuesday on the Senate floor: "The mistreat...

May 7, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

The World Tribunal on Iraq The World Tribunal on Iraq

On February 15, 2003, one of the greatest mobilizations of popular protest the world has ever seen demonstrated its opposition to the Bush Administration's plans to invade Iraq. ...

May 7, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Stop War Profiteering! Stop War Profiteering!

As readers of this space don't need to be told, Vice President Dick Cheney's former company Halliburton has been a prime beneficiary of the invasion of Iraq, raking in some $9 bi...

May 4, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Quid Pro Quack Quid Pro Quack

Every judge knows that you don't vacation with friends and accept their generosity while their case is pending before you. But that's just what Justice Antonin Scalia did with Di...

Apr 29, 2004 / Peter Rothberg
