Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

US Out of Af-Pak US Out of Af-Pak

As the President and Congress are currently reviewing US war policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, now is the time to apply as much popular pressure as possible against escalation. ...

Oct 9, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

End the War End the War

This post was researched and co-written by Fernanda Diaz. (Click here to skip to a guide to antiwar protest activities this week.) The 9th year of the war in Afghanistan begins ...

Oct 7, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

End the War in Afghanistan End the War in Afghanistan

This post was researched and co-written by Andrea D'Cruz. Within a matter of months a majority of Americans have shifted from supporting to opposing the Afghanistan war as we app...

Oct 2, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Banned Books Week Banned Books Week

I wasn't surprised to read that the American Library Association (ALA) reported at least 513 actual and attempted book bannings in the US in 2008. Here's the list of the ten most ...

Sep 29, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

CO2 Is Green CO2 Is Green

An article in yesterday's Washington Post exposed the coal and oil industry interests behind recent national TV ads arguing against climate change legislation. The ads tout the b...

Sep 27, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Protesting the G-20 Protesting the G-20

A Federal Judge in Pittsburgh ruled last week that six peace and justice groups can protest at this week's G-20 summit of the industrialized world's leading Finance Ministers and ...

Sep 22, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Demanding a Public Option Demanding a Public Option

The fight for meaningful healthcare reform continues and Arkansas has turned into a crucial battlefield. In a state where polls show eighty percent of state Democrats supporting a...

Sep 18, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

No New Powers for the Fed No New Powers for the Fed

In just 10 months, the Federal Reserve has handed trillions of taxpayer dollars to the banks without telling taxpayers who got the money and whether we'll ever get it back. The Fe...

Sep 11, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Fighting for the Public Option Fighting for the Public Option

In an address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Obama will try to build momentum for his healthcare reform, pitching what Robert Gibbs says will be a fresh argumen...

Sep 9, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

The Fight for Food The Fight for Food

The emergence of food as a political and social issue worth organizing around is demonstrated by the abundance of projects, initiatives, blogs, campaigns and efforts to realign fo...

Sep 3, 2009 / Peter Rothberg
