Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Blood in Iran Blood in Iran

The government of Iran swiftly kicked the machinery of repression into high gear over the last several days in response to the largest anti-government demonstrations since 1979, w...

Jun 16, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

How to Help End the War(s) How to Help End the War(s)

FireDogLake founder Jane Hamsher is devoting herself to persuading 39 progressive Democrats to oppose the $106 billion 2009 war supplemental bill for the wars in Iraq and Af-Pak a...

Jun 15, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Kill the FFEL Kill the FFEL

This post was written by ex-Nation intern and freelance writer Corbin Hiar. One important policy issue that has been knocked down the legislative agenda by all the discussion reg...

Jun 15, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

An Open Letter to the Orlando Sentinel An Open Letter to the Orlando Sentinel

Dave Zirin's recent Nation article exposed the ways that the owner of the Orlando Magic, whose team is currently facing off against the Los Angeles Lakers for the NBA title, is u...

Jun 12, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Press China to Help Free Ling and Lee Press China to Help Free Ling and Lee

My last post detailed the plight of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling and the international campaign to convince the government of North Korea to free them. This is a true bipar...

Jun 11, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Free Ling and Lee Free Ling and Lee

Last April I wrote about the cases of two reporters for San Francisco-based Current TV, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, charged with trespassing in North Korea. They were arrested on Mar...

Jun 9, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Time to Break Up the Banks Time to Break Up the Banks

Last April, I wrote about A New Way Forward, a new and growing movement organized via the web and founded by young people who want to take back the power of the ordinary citizen t...

Jun 4, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

George Tiller’s Assassination George Tiller’s Assassination

Dr. George Tiller, an outspoken advocate for abortion rights and one of the few late-term abortion providers in the country, was shot dead in church yesterday morning in Wichita, ...

Jun 1, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

Stand With Sotomayor Stand With Sotomayor

Last night, Rachel Maddow had Slate columnist Dahlia Lithwick on her MSNBC show to discuss the way that conservatives are trying to paint Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotom...

May 28, 2009 / Peter Rothberg

The Case for Nuclear Abolition The Case for Nuclear Abolition

The Nation's Jonathan Schell has spent the better part of a enormously productive career making the case for the abolition of nuclear weapons. The new president seems more open ...

May 27, 2009 / Peter Rothberg
