Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Racist Drug Law Losing Steam Racist Drug Law Losing Steam

Bipartisan support for reforming the two-decade-old federal sentencing structure that treats crack cocaine offenses one hundred times more severely than crimes involving powder co...

Feb 26, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Rick Reed in Texas Rick Reed in Texas

Hillary Clinton has staked her campaign on winning the Democratic primaries in Texas on March 4. But there's even more at stake in the Lone Star State than the fate of her histori...

Feb 21, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Peace Sign Turns Fifty Peace Sign Turns Fifty

Thanks to my colleague Scott Klein for telling me that the Peace Sign, one of the most widely known symbols in the world, turns fifty this week. It was first displayed on home-mad...

Feb 19, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Why Presidents’ Day? Why Presidents’ Day?

The federal holiday, and resulting three-day weekend on the third February of each calendar year is officially listed by the Government as Washington's Birthday. In 1971, the holi...

Feb 18, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Kroger for AG Kroger for AG

With the billions of words being devoted to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, there's likely not much I can add to your understanding of the two Democratic presidential contenders...

Feb 13, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Help Stop US Torture Help Stop US Torture

Michael Mukasey may not be sure if waterboarding is torture but most of the rest of the world has no problem seeing this brutal practice for what it is. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb...

Feb 12, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

The Shame of St. Louis The Shame of St. Louis

Over the past seven years, as Michael Reynolds wrote in a Nation cover story last June, George W. Bush's faith-based Administration has transformed the small-time abstinence-only ...

Feb 8, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Super Tuesday Live Video Super Tuesday Live Video

Watch the Young Turks and Brave New Films coverage of the Super Tuesday voting results with a raft of special guest commentators, including The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel, Sen...

Feb 6, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Alt Spring Break Alt Spring Break

I know I'm asking to be ignored with a non-Super Tuesday post on the largest primary day in US history. But there's more to politics than elections and no matter who occupies the ...

Feb 5, 2008 / Peter Rothberg

Why Super Tuesday? Why Super Tuesday?

Most people paying any attention know when Super Tuesday is? February 5. But many people have more trouble explaining what the day actually represents and entails and why the day ...

Jan 31, 2008 / Peter Rothberg
