Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

It’s Back It’s Back

The last post I wrote about the estate tax was followed by a lively comment thread arguing the merits and meaning of a regulated economy. Even more importantly, it was also follo...

Jun 27, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Taking Back America Taking Back America

I'm just back from Washington, DC, where the Campaign for America's Future staged its fourth annual Take Back America conference at the Hilton hotel near DuPont Circle. Bringing ...

Jun 15, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Pick a Team Pick a Team

I had lunch yesterday afternoon in a casual restaurant in the heart of Washington, DC. It wasn't a sports bar but there were three TVs tuned into the US/Czech World Cup match. The...

Jun 14, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Keep the Estate Tax–UPDATED Keep the Estate Tax–UPDATED

Updated on June 8. Good News: Senators voted this afternoon to block a Republican effort to shrink taxes on inherited estates during this election year. GOP leaders had pushed s...

Jun 6, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Empire State For Peace Empire State For Peace

If you're a New Yorker angry about the war and the Democratic Party leadership's failure to make the case for a quick withdrawal, then add your name to a petition appealing to New...

May 30, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

With God On Our Side With God On Our Side

If it were up to me, we'd keep religion and politics completely apart. I think one of the best things about America is the idea of the wall between church and state. But it's not ...

May 25, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Isn’t Iraq Enough? Isn’t Iraq Enough?

Just as it did before invading Iraq, the Bush Administration is manufacturing a climate of fear to prepare public opinion for another possible preemptive action -- this time again...

May 23, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Don’t Click on This Ad Don’t Click on This Ad

The Nation website has been running an ad recently urging readers to "say no to government regulation of the internet." Please don't click on it. It's a deceptive campaign created...

May 17, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Fighting Back in South Dakota Fighting Back in South Dakota

Early last month, I highlighted an appeal to support progressive South Dakota State Senate candidate Charon Asetoyer. The Executive Director of the Native Women's Health Educatio...

May 9, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

March for Peace, Justice and Democracy March for Peace, Justice and Democracy

If you took part in Saturday's antiwar protests, click here to download a free poster/flyer, created for the occasion by the Public Works Project. It's distinguished, in large par...

Apr 28, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
