Peter Rothberg

Associate Publisher, Special Projects


Peter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.

Republicans for Kerry Republicans for Kerry

One of the many strange hallmarks of Election 2004 is the numerous Republican groups which have formed to organize support for Democrat John Kerry's campaign. There are also, of ...

Oct 26, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Do You Know Your Polling Place? Do You Know Your Polling Place?

Thanks to Nation reader Keith Kritselis who wrote in to alert us to a new website he created that he's hoping will help clear up some of the confusion caused by what looks like a ...

Oct 25, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Taking it to Crossfire Taking it to Crossfire

Nation readers don't need to be told that what passes for TV punditry is far more degrading than uplifting for the national conversation. With talking heads ranting at each othe...

Oct 19, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Just One Vote Just One Vote

This year the Supreme Court and its future composition should be a bigger issue than ever. Yet, few people, including, curiously, the Democrats, are talking about it. Regardless, ...

Oct 13, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

VP DEBATE: Cheney’s Cyber Slip VP DEBATE: Cheney’s Cyber Slip

Does Dick Cheney know where he steered voters watching the vice presidential debate last night? In response to a series of attacks from John Edwards on Cheney's corrupt tenure as ...

Oct 6, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Help Stop Racial Profiling Help Stop Racial Profiling

On February 27, 2001, President Bush expressed his firm opposition to racial profiling--the targeting of individuals by law enforcement officers on the basis of race, ethnicity, n...

Sep 29, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Voter Registration Day Voter Registration Day

Groups from all over the country have come together to create the first-ever National Voter Registration Day today to build media interest and to bring out new volunteers for vote...

Sep 28, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

The Take The Take

This is the season of political documentaries with meditations on the degradations of late capitalism as well, of course, as Bush-bashing films, suddenly being seen as commercial ...

Sep 23, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Mobilize for Public Schools Today Mobilize for Public Schools Today

This won't be a surprise to Nation readers, but with Congress back in session, the White House and the GOP majority are pushing hard to continue shortchanging America's public sc...

Sep 14, 2004 / Peter Rothberg

Sept. 11th Families for Peace Sept. 11th Families for Peace

Nearly three years ago, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows was born out of a shared belief that America's military response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks "which took ...

Sep 11, 2004 / Peter Rothberg
