Stephen Sondheim’s Art Stephen Sondheim’s Art
Despite beginning his career at the end of musical theater’s golden age, Sondheim helped bring the form to its artistic zenith.
Dec 1, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Shuja Haider

John Prine Taught Us New Ways to Listen John Prine Taught Us New Ways to Listen
His songs were like intimate correspondences with his audience—revealing things about everyday life that get missed.
Apr 15, 2020 / Shuja Haider

Covid-19 Shows America’s Class Divide Is Untenable Covid-19 Shows America’s Class Divide Is Untenable
The disparity in who has access to coronavirus tests is just the beginning.
Apr 1, 2020 / Shuja Haider

The Center Is a Decaying Piece of Real Estate The Center Is a Decaying Piece of Real Estate
And Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not clinging to it.
Feb 10, 2020 / Column / Shuja Haider