Why Does the US Still Have So Few Women in Office? Why Does the US Still Have So Few Women in Office?
At the current rate of progress, it will take nearly 500 years for women to reach fair representation in government.
Mar 7, 2014 / Steven Hill
The Blue-State Strategy for Progressive Renewal The Blue-State Strategy for Progressive Renewal
Democrats have a rich opportunity to push electoral reform at the state level.
Sep 26, 2012 / Feature / Steven Hill
What’s Wrong—and Right—With Greece What’s Wrong—and Right—With Greece
With help (and pressure) from the EU, Greece could emerge from the current tumult with a more efficient public sector, less tied to political patronage.
Jul 20, 2011 / Steven Hill
Europe’s Answer to Wall Street Europe’s Answer to Wall Street
"Social capitalism" allows businesses to be both competitive and socially responsible.
Apr 21, 2010 / Feature / Steven Hill
Obama’s Pro-Union Nominations to Labor Relations Board Stalled Obama’s Pro-Union Nominations to Labor Relations Board Stalled
If Obama's appointees to the National Labor Relations Board are confirmed, the agency could offer workers more protections than the Employee Free Choice Act.
Jan 20, 2010 / Feature / Steven Hill and Dmitri Iglitzin
De-Spoiling the Election De-Spoiling the Election
In 2000, Al Gore beat George W. Bush in the state of New Mexico by a mere 366 votes--a slimmer margin than in Florida. Ralph Nader polled 21,251 votes.
Jun 24, 2004 / Rob Richie and Steven Hill
If Politics Got Real… If Politics Got Real…
To Nader or not to Nader, that is the question. A debate over whether Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader is a savior or a spoiler has raged for months among progressi...
Sep 28, 2000 / Rob Richie and Steven Hill