When It Comes to Veterans, Democrats Parrot the Right Wing’s Narrative When It Comes to Veterans, Democrats Parrot the Right Wing’s Narrative
The Republican playbook to undermine universal health care begins with their rhetorical attacks on the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Dec 19, 2019 / Suzanne Gordon and Jasper Craven

Is This Hedge-Fund Titan Greasing the Levers for Privatizing the Veterans Health Administration? Is This Hedge-Fund Titan Greasing the Levers for Privatizing the Veterans Health Administration?
Billionaire Steven A. Cohen funds an expanding network of private clinics for veterans—and he’s personally hired five lobbyists in Washington.
Apr 11, 2018 / Jasper Craven and Suzanne Gordon

America’s Biggest Publicly Funded, Fully Integrated Health-Care System Is Under Attack America’s Biggest Publicly Funded, Fully Integrated Health-Care System Is Under Attack
The Veterans Health Administration is a successful example of a single-payer system in the United States. It’s time for progressives to defend it.
Jul 17, 2017 / Suzanne Gordon
Whatever Happened to the Eight-Hour Day? Whatever Happened to the Eight-Hour Day?
Americans spend more time on the job than workers in any other country. Isn't it time presumably labor-friendly Democrats did something about it?
Oct 23, 2007 / Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon
Following Doctors’ Orders Following Doctors’ Orders
It's the largest profession in healthcare. It's the largest female profession in America. But despite its tremendous importance and impact, most people know very little about con...
Feb 14, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Suzanne Gordon
Doctors’ Brains Doctors’ Brains
It's 9:45 Tuesday night, and the house lights have just come on after the final scene of Wit--the surprise Off Broadway hit about a terminally ill English professor and her exper...
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Suzanne Gordon