The Ed Show

A Progressive Victory in Wisconsin Is a Blow Against Governor Walker A Progressive Victory in Wisconsin Is a Blow Against Governor Walker

Last night, Wisconsinites in three different Democratic districts headed to the polls and overwhelmingly elected State Democratic Senator Dave Hansen as their candidate for the com...

Jul 20, 2011 / The Ed Show

How ALEC Is Flooding Statehouses with Pro-Corporate Legislation How ALEC Is Flooding Statehouses with Pro-Corporate Legislation

When Republicans won complete legislative control of many states last year, ALEC was right there with model legislation to help them push through a radical right-wing agenda.

Jul 15, 2011 / The Ed Show

John Nichols: A Victory for Wisconsin’s Real Democrats John Nichols: A Victory for Wisconsin’s Real Democrats

Despite the Republican strategy to recruit fake democrats to run in Wisconsin's primary elections, real Democrats won 70 percent of the vote.

Jul 13, 2011 / The Ed Show

Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed? Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed?

Under Wisconsin state law, it is a felony to touch a judge, making it quite possible that David Prosser will be forced to resign.

Jun 28, 2011 / The Ed Show

Katrina vanden Heuvel: How Far Right Is Michele Bachmann? Katrina vanden Heuvel: How Far Right Is Michele Bachmann?

The media has focused too much on Bachmann's self-styled image and not enough on the far-right policy positions and neo-McCarthy politics she has embraced as a member of Congress. ...

Jun 15, 2011 / The Ed Show

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill

It's official—the high court of Wisconsin has re-instated Scott Walker's union-busting "Budget Repair Bill" as the law of the land. 

Jun 15, 2011 / The Ed Show

Is the GOP Planning to Run ‘Fake Democrats’ in Wisconsin? Is the GOP Planning to Run ‘Fake Democrats’ in Wisconsin?

The GOP is trying to create confusion by running "fake Democrats," which would force the state to hold primaries.

Jun 9, 2011 / The Ed Show

Record Number of Wisconsin Legislators Face Recall Over Anti-Union Bill Record Number of Wisconsin Legislators Face Recall Over Anti-Union Bill

Unlike grassroots efforts to recall Republican state senators over their support for Governor Walker's anti-labor bill, efforts by Republicans to recall Democratic state senators m...

Jun 1, 2011 / The Ed Show

John Nichols: Force Republicans to Vote for Their Medicare-Destroying Budget John Nichols: Force Republicans to Vote for Their Medicare-Destroying Budget

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has a plan to make sure Republicans give up on the Paul Ryan budget.

May 20, 2011 / The Ed Show

Cornel West and Melissa Harris-Perry at Odds on Obama’s Performance Cornel West and Melissa Harris-Perry at Odds on Obama’s Performance

Princeton Professor Cornel West says the president has failed to deliver to the constituencies that voted him into office, The Nation's Melissa Hariss-Perry says that criticism is ...

May 18, 2011 / The Ed Show
