The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

Taunting Bush on Saddam’s Gallows Taunting Bush on Saddam’s Gallows

Those cries of "Muqtada! Muqtada!" were aimed at more than Saddam or even Iraq's Sunnis. They went right to the heart of the President's policy failures. Every now and then, ...

Jan 5, 2007 / The Nation

Labor Rights Begin at Home Labor Rights Begin at Home

The right to workplace democracy, that is the right to form a union and collectively bargain, is a human right. Perhaps it sounds overly grandiose to say this, but that alone show...

Jan 4, 2007 / The Nation

Murtha: No Surge For Bush Murtha: No Surge For Bush

In the first really bold move of the new Congress, Jack Murtha told Arianna Huffington in an interview published today that he plans to block Bush's plan to escalate the war in Ir...

Jan 4, 2007 / The Nation

Join the Marines… for the Summer Join the Marines… for the Summer

The other day, the college-age daughter of a friend received an e-letter from a Marine Corps Officer Selection Officer, inviting her to "an awesome summer training program called ...

Jan 3, 2007 / The Nation

Saddam’s Aftermath: The Milestone That Wasn’t Saddam’s Aftermath: The Milestone That Wasn’t

The Bush Administration hoped that a guilty verdict for Saddam Hussein two days before the midterm elections would boost the electoral fortunes of sagging Republicans. It didn't. ...

Jan 3, 2007 / The Nation

This Just In from Pat Robertson This Just In from Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson, that wise prognosticator you all know and love has a brand new prediction for his flock: millions of them will most likely die at the end of this new year. On his ...

Jan 3, 2007 / The Nation

Gays: Uncle Sam Wants You Gays: Uncle Sam Wants You

Welcome to 2007. Though the US death toll in Iraq just hit 3,000, President Bush remains adamant about sending a "surge" of up to 40,000 new troops to the region. But where will t...

Jan 2, 2007 / The Nation

‘Gruesome.’ ‘Barbaric.’ ‘Politicized.’ ‘Farcical.’ ‘Gruesome.’ ‘Barbaric.’ ‘Politicized.’ ‘Farcical.’

While much of U.S. media coverage of Saddam Hussein's execution has strained to echo the Bush administration's suggestion that "justice" was done, the international reaction to th...

Dec 31, 2006 / The Nation

A Show Trial and a Show Execution A Show Trial and a Show Execution

Convicted in a show trial that certainly appeared to have been timed tofinish on the eve of last month's US elections, Iraqi President SaddamHussein was hanged in a show execution...

Dec 30, 2006 / The Nation

Ford: Bush Made “Big Mistake” With Iraq War Ford: Bush Made “Big Mistake” With Iraq War

As the nation mourns the passing of former President Gerald Ford, President Bush has been appropriately respectful. Hopefully, however, the current occupant of the Oval Office's r...

Dec 28, 2006 / The Nation
