The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

Scandal, Scandal Everywhere Scandal, Scandal Everywhere

According to Roll Call, the respected Capitol Hill newspaper, seventeen members of the 109th Congress are or have been under federal investigation. Add Rep. Katherine Harris to th...

Oct 27, 2006 / The Nation

Return of the Body Count? Return of the Body Count?

It's been clear since the Afghan War began in 2001 that no one had the Vietnam analogy more programmatically on their brains than the Bush team in the White House and the Pentagon...

Oct 27, 2006 / The Nation

Oversight? Nah, Don’t Need It Oversight? Nah, Don’t Need It

Yet another reason why Americans who believe in accountability and oversight should be pulling for Democrats to win this November… While the Special Inspector General for Iraq ...

Oct 26, 2006 / The Nation

Slice the Vote Slice the Vote

Voters in three key areas of Virginia won't see Senate challenger Jim Webb's name on the summary page of their electronic ballots. Instead, thanks to a computer glitch, Webb's nam...

Oct 26, 2006 / The Nation

NJ Supreme Court Backs Same-Sex Unions (updated) NJ Supreme Court Backs Same-Sex Unions (updated)

So here are some more thoughts on today's same-sex union decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court. First, while the decision is more expansive and pro-gay than New York's and Wash...

Oct 26, 2006 / The Nation

NJ Supreme Court Backs Same-Sex Unions NJ Supreme Court Backs Same-Sex Unions

In a 4-3 decision the New Jersey Supreme Court held that "although we cannot find that a fundamental right to same-sex marriage exists in this State, the unequal dispensation of r...

Oct 25, 2006 / The Nation

Bush’s Cynical Numbers Game Bush’s Cynical Numbers Game

For a long time, the President and his top officials remained on the page first bookmarked by Centcom Commander Tommy Franks during the early phases of the Afghan War when he said...

Oct 25, 2006 / The Nation

Tennessee Turmoil Tennessee Turmoil

In one week, Republicans ran not one, not two, but three racist to borderline racist television and radio ads about Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, the Democrat who's trying to beco...

Oct 25, 2006 / The Nation

Limbaugh’s Cruelty Limbaugh’s Cruelty

Rush Limbaugh has proven time and again what a nasty bully he can be.Remember his feeble attempt to insult Chelsea Clinton by criticizing herappearance when she was just a child? ...

Oct 25, 2006 / The Nation

NJ Gay Marriage Decision Due Today NJ Gay Marriage Decision Due Today

Today at 3PM, the New Jersey Supreme Court will issue its ruling on Lewis v. Harris, the same-sex marriage case brought by seven gay and lesbian couples. My sources all predict a ...

Oct 25, 2006 / The Nation
