The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

Video: Revisiting Chernobyl’s Nuclear Dead Zone Video: Revisiting Chernobyl’s Nuclear Dead Zone

On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine exploded, precipitating the worst nuclear disaster in history. Now, on the twenty fifth anniversar...

Apr 20, 2011 / On The Earth Productions and The Nation

What’s the Best Protest Song Ever?

What’s the Best Protest Song Ever? What’s the Best Protest Song Ever?

Tell us what you consider the all-time best protest song.

Apr 19, 2011 / The Nation

Will Social Media Democratize the Arab World? Will Social Media Democratize the Arab World?

Al Jazeera English's Ahmed Shihab-Eldin explains how social media facilitates political movements in the Arab world.

Apr 18, 2011 / The Nation

Slide Show: 7 Corporate Tax Evaders

Slide Show: 7 Corporate Tax Evaders Slide Show: 7 Corporate Tax Evaders

The budget agreement that President Obama lashed together late last week in the face of a government shutdown will take away billions of dollars in federal funding from vital publi…

Apr 14, 2011 / The Nation

Rob Hopkins: How Climate Change Puts Globalization in Reverse Rob Hopkins: How Climate Change Puts Globalization in Reverse

To confront climate change we need an alternative economic model that emphasizes the local. This will come as a shock to many, but haven't the last 50 years of globalization also b...

Apr 12, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Marcy Wheeler: Is the Department of Defense Leak-Proof? Marcy Wheeler: Is the Department of Defense Leak-Proof?

If the information that Bradley Manning allegedly leaked is so sensitive, why has DOD not taken basic security measures to protect their databases?

Apr 12, 2011 / The Nation

A Voice Fighting for the Creative Expression of Palestinian Youth has Been Lost A Voice Fighting for the Creative Expression of Palestinian Youth has Been Lost

Juliano Mer-Khamis, a leading figure in Palestinian for creative nonviolent resistance, was killed last week. In this clip, Mer-Khamis describes the work of the theater he founded ...

Apr 11, 2011 / The Nation

Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square

When Egyptians took over their city, they created a new order of cooperation.

Apr 11, 2011 / The Nation

From The Archive: Five Pieces by James Baldwin From The Archive: Five Pieces by James Baldwin

The publication of The Cross of Redemption is an occasion to revisit some of the many fine essays and reviews written for The Nation by Baldwin, who was a member of the magazine's...

Apr 11, 2011 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Slide Show: The 10 Worst Members of Congress You’ve Never Heard Of

Slide Show: The 10 Worst Members of Congress You’ve Never Heard Of Slide Show: The 10 Worst Members of Congress You’ve Never Heard Of

Once their votes are cast, many Americans don’t hear from their members of Congress again for the duration of the their term. And since the mainstream media focuses mainly on…

Apr 8, 2011 / The Nation
