The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

Nation Readers’ Person of the Year

Nation Readers’ Person of the Year Nation Readers’ Person of the Year

Julian Assange is our readers' choice, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Bradley Manning. Read why and see who else got votes.

Dec 30, 2010 / The Nation

Slide Show: The Progressive Honor Roll 2010

Slide Show: The Progressive Honor Roll 2010 Slide Show: The Progressive Honor Roll 2010

"The year 2010 will not be remembered as a halcyon year for progressives," writes John Nichols in his Progressive Honor Roll for this year. "But in such years the truest believers and battlers stand out all the more clearly, and patterns are set for the victories of the years to come." Here, then, are the Most Valuable Progressives of 2010 and the groundwork they're laying for 2011.

Dec 30, 2010 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Jesse Jackson on Progressive Politics in the Obama Era

Nation Conversations: Jesse Jackson on Progressive Politics in the Obama Era Nation Conversations: Jesse Jackson on Progressive Politics in the Obama Era

If you're disappointed with Obama, Rev. Jesse Jackson has a reminder for you: American presidents haven't done many great things without a mass movement pushing them every step of ...

Dec 17, 2010 / The Nation

Slide Show: Katha Pollitt’s Holiday Giving Guide for Nation Readers

Slide Show: Katha Pollitt’s Holiday Giving Guide for Nation Readers Slide Show: Katha Pollitt’s Holiday Giving Guide for Nation Readers

“Studies show,” writes Katha Pollitt, “that experiences, not possessions, are what make people happy. So this holiday season, make yourself happy by experiencing helping others through year-end donations to these fine groups.” With no shortage of progressive causes worthy of attention and funding, Pollitt has picked her top-ten organizations that deserve your giving this year.

Dec 17, 2010 / The Nation

Person of the Year?

Person of the Year? Person of the Year?

Who should be The Nation readers' choice for person of the year, and why?

Dec 15, 2010 / The Nation

Stephen Cohen’s ‘The Victims Return’ Stephen Cohen’s ‘The Victims Return’

In his new book, Cohen tells the all-but unknown story of the nearly 6 million inmates who survived the often murderous brutality of Stalin's Gulag.

Dec 14, 2010 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: National Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske on the Possibility of Reform under Obama

Nation Conversations: National Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske on the Possibility of Reform under Obama Nation Conversations: National Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske on the Possibility of Reform under Obama

The Nation's Sasha Abramsky and Obama's Drug Czar, Gil Kerlikowske, speak at length about the administration's drug reform agenda.

Dec 9, 2010 / The Nation

Slide Show: From Prohibition to Prop 19

Slide Show: From Prohibition to Prop 19 Slide Show: From Prohibition to Prop 19

You can read all of the pieces in The Nation’s special issue on drug policy here.

Dec 9, 2010 / The Nation

Slide Show: In Denial: The GOP’s Climate Science Skeptics

Slide Show: In Denial: The GOP’s Climate Science Skeptics Slide Show: In Denial: The GOP’s Climate Science Skeptics

A recent Pew Research poll found that 53% of Republicans now say they don’t believe in global warming, a significant shift compared to 2007, when the majority agreed that cli…

Dec 8, 2010 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future

Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future

For Berman, Obama's grassroots victory in 2008 built heavily on the fifty-state electoral strategy which Howard Dean pursued as DNC chairman. But in a political climate far differe...

Nov 30, 2010 / The Nation
