The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

We Have to Choose the Future of the Planet

We Have to Choose the Future of the Planet We Have to Choose the Future of the Planet

As the devastating Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report makes clear, we have political choices to make right now if we want to avert global catastrophe.

Aug 21, 2021 / Covering Climate Now / Mark Hertsgaard for The Nation

Nurses hold a memorial in Washington DC.

Death by Disinformation: GOP Accomplices to Covid Apocalypse Death by Disinformation: GOP Accomplices to Covid Apocalypse

If your state or city remains unvaccinated, and your neighbors won’t wear masks indoors—you’ve got a problem.

Aug 5, 2021 / Editorial / Gregg Gonsalves for The Nation

Republicans Hate Voting Rights Because They Threaten White Power

Republicans Hate Voting Rights Because They Threaten White Power Republicans Hate Voting Rights Because They Threaten White Power

It’s no accident that the current assault on voting rights started not with the failed reelection of Donald Trump but with the successful election of Barack Obama.

Jul 22, 2021 / Editorial / Elie Mystal for The Nation

hiroshima little boy

Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon

Washington aims to recast NATO in the image of the US military, with its focus on “great power competition” and a renewed arms race with Russia and China.

Jun 25, 2021 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare for The Nation

Grinning John Roberts

Yesterday’s Union-Busting Supreme Court Decision Was a Segregationist Throwback Yesterday’s Union-Busting Supreme Court Decision Was a Segregationist Throwback

The court’s decision in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid will reverberate throughout the labor movement and far beyond.

Jun 24, 2021 / Editorial / Elie Mystal for The Nation

Pro-Choice Protest

A Rare Victory for Abortion Access A Rare Victory for Abortion Access

The reproductive justice movement has succeeded in pressing a Democratic president to leave the ban on Medicaid funding for abortion out of his budget for the first time in 30 year...

Jun 14, 2021 / Editorial / Amy Littlefield for The Nation

Woman in Gaza after airstrike

The Nakba Is Now The Nakba Is Now

With the explosion of Israeli violence this last week, Palestinians are experiencing a level of terror that is both new and painfully reminiscent of the terror of 1948.

May 17, 2021 / Editorial / Saree Makdisi for The Nation

Sharing the Vaccine Is Just the First Step

Sharing the Vaccine Is Just the First Step Sharing the Vaccine Is Just the First Step

Now we need to make sure poorer countries have the resources and technical capacity to ramp up production.

May 17, 2021 / Editorial / Gregg Gonsalves for The Nation

Heart sign for Ma’Khia Bryant

White Supremacy Never Takes a Day Off White Supremacy Never Takes a Day Off

The Chauvin verdict seemed like a victory. Then came the racist reaction to the verdict—and the murder of Ma’Khia Bryant.

Apr 30, 2021 / Editorial / Elie Mystal for The Nation

President Joe Biden

Biden’s First Hundred Days: A Historical Audit Biden’s First Hundred Days: A Historical Audit

The president has made a promising start on a historically bold agenda. But to deliver, he’ll need to do more to explain how we got here, who is to blame—and what needs to be done.

Apr 26, 2021 / Biden's First 100 Days / Robert L. Borosage for The Nation
