The $700 Billion Kiss-off? The $700 Billion Kiss-off?
The Roman historian Tacitus famously put the following lines in the mouth of a British chieftain opposed to imperial Rome: "They have plundered the world, stripping naked the...
Oct 23, 2008 / TomDispatch
Burning Cars and Suicides Burning Cars and Suicides
Back in the Great Depression years of the 1930s, unemployed writers, like unemployed steelworkers, were in need of jobs, and so the New Deal's Works Progress Administration, which ...
Oct 20, 2008 / TomDispatch
The Once and Future Secretary of Defense? The Once and Future Secretary of Defense?
Don't trust me as a gambler. You'd probably make more by putting your money into credit-default swaps. Nonetheless, I'd like to make a small wager on the single significant holdo...
Oct 16, 2008 / TomDispatch
Is the Second Superpower of the Cold War Going Down? Is the Second Superpower of the Cold War Going Down?
In a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, spoke proudly of how, in July 1979, he had "si...
Oct 9, 2008 / TomDispatch
Bush’s Failing Financial “Surge” Bush’s Failing Financial “Surge”
Here we are, with ringside seats--far too close for comfort--at the Great Global Crash of '08. Nobody's quite calling it that yet, but what else could it be? All over the world y...
Oct 7, 2008 / TomDispatch
Out of Money for the Next War? Out of Money for the Next War?
Think of this as the month when Fannie and Freddie entered everyday speech as something other than friendly names, when Americans realized that WaMu wasn't an over-performing Orca ...
Oct 2, 2008 / TomDispatch
The Iraq War as a Financial Sinkhole The Iraq War as a Financial Sinkhole
Let's start with the money the Bush administration has already thrown at the war in Iraq. According to the June congressional testimony of William Beach, director of the Center fo...
Sep 29, 2008 / TomDispatch
How Wide Will Bush’s War Be? How Wide Will Bush’s War Be?
As Andrew Bacevich tells us in the latest issue of the Atlantic, there's now a vigorous debate going on in the military about the nature of the "next" American wars and h...
Sep 16, 2008 / TomDispatch
Seven Years Since September 11 Seven Years Since September 11
Andrew Bacevich, author of The Limits of Power, offers a powerful summary judgment on how the Bush Administration responded to the attacks of 9/11.
Sep 9, 2008 / TomDispatch
When Parrots Speak and Puppets Squawk When Parrots Speak and Puppets Squawk
Recently, Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has shown striking signs of wanting to be his own man in Baghdad, not Washington's (as has Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul)...
Sep 8, 2008 / TomDispatch