Not the Lady But the Tiger Not the Lady But the Tiger
Once again last week, the President and his men surged into the headlines, announcing that we had just zipped past yet another of those Iraqi "turning points." Or, as Ge...
Mar 24, 2008 / TomDispatch
Five Years in Iraq: Best of the Media Five Years in Iraq: Best of the Media
Just imagine: You run a flagship national newspaper, the New York Times. It's the fifth anniversary of President Bush's catastrophic invasion of Iraq. Your own record of reporta...
Mar 18, 2008 / TomDispatch
The Almost $3 Trillion Miscalculation The Almost $3 Trillion Miscalculation
How far off were they? Well, it depends on which figure you choose to start with. Here's the range: According to key officials in the Bush administration back in 2002-2003, the ...
Mar 4, 2008 / TomDispatch
The Kristol Whose Crystal Ball Never Works The Kristol Whose Crystal Ball Never Works
As Eric Alterman has written, he's the "journalist" of "perpetual wrongness" (as well as an "apparatchik" of the first order and a "right-wing ho...
Feb 15, 2008 / TomDispatch
A Global Arms Race Hidden in Plain Sight A Global Arms Race Hidden in Plain Sight
Often what is hidden in our world is so simply because no cares or thinks to look. Yes, a fair amount of attention has recently been given to the staggering new Pentagon budget re...
Feb 13, 2008 / TomDispatch
Imagine 50 Million American Refugees Imagine 50 Million American Refugees
I'm an innumerate, but the figures on this -- the saddest story of our Iraq debacle -- are so large that even I can do the necessary computations. The population of the United Sta...
Feb 11, 2008 / TomDispatch
Forgotten Voices from a Lost War Forgotten Voices from a Lost War
On January 30-31, 1968, the Tet holiday, the North Vietnamese and the National Liberation Front (NLF, known to Americans as "the Vietcong") struck at five of the country'...
Jan 25, 2008 / TomDispatch
American Imperial Bankruptcy? American Imperial Bankruptcy?
Within the next month, the Pentagon will submit its 2009 budget to Congress and it's a fair bet that it will be even larger than the staggering 2008 one. Like the Army and the Mar...
Jan 23, 2008 / TomDispatch
Handicapping the Media Handicapping the Media
Let's see. They were wrong on Hillary Clinton, essentially nominating her for the presidency months before a primary was held. In Iowa, they were wrong on Mike Huckabee and Barac...
Jan 22, 2008 / TomDispatch
Campaign 2008: The Rove Legacy Campaign 2008: The Rove Legacy
Here's the strange thing: If we are in a political "season of change" and "change" is now the word most used by presidential candidates, change isn't exactly va...
Jan 14, 2008 / TomDispatch