Will Robert Gates Save America? Will Robert Gates Save America?
The recent CIA documents dump, the so-called "family jewels," tell but part of the story. Our new secretary of defense knows most of the rest. It's fitting that, as par...
Jun 25, 2007 / TomDispatch
The Gates Inheritance The Gates Inheritance
Think of him as the spymaster who came in from the cold. Well, it wasn't actually so cold out there. After all, Robert Gates was on innumerable corporate boards and the President...
Jun 19, 2007 / TomDispatch
Dangerous Dance with Iran Dangerous Dance with Iran
Just when you think the roiling relations between the US and Iran might be quieting down--they heat up again. In the last week, while two US aircraft-carrier strike forces continu...
Jun 18, 2007 / TomDispatch
The Middle East as the Pentagon’s Gas Station The Middle East as the Pentagon’s Gas Station
In a recent piece, "The Pentagon v. Peak Oil," Michael Klare, expert on war and energy, gives us an unprecedented sense of what it means when the Pentagon hits the gas pu...
Jun 15, 2007 / TomDispatch
The Missing American Bomb The Missing American Bomb
Here's the strange thing: Since 2001, our media has been filled with terrifying nuclear headlines. The Iraqi bomb (you remember those "mushroom clouds" about to rise ov...
Jun 11, 2007 / TomDispatch
The (Air) Power of Withdrawal The (Air) Power of Withdrawal
In a recent inside-the-fold round-up of the previous day's mayhem in Iraq, David S. Cloud, writing for my hometown paper, devoted 729 words to an account of American casualties fro...
May 24, 2007 / TomDispatch
Chalmers Johnson’s Journey Chalmers Johnson’s Journey
Way back in 1999, when I was still a Tomdispatch-less book editor, I read a proposal from Chalmers Johnson. He was, then, known mainly as a scholar of modern Japan, though years e...
May 15, 2007 / TomDispatch
What Good Reporting Has Meant in Iraq What Good Reporting Has Meant in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn has been hailed by Sidney Blumenthal in Salon as "one of the most accurate and intrepid journalists in Iraq." And that's hardly praise enough, given wha...
May 9, 2007 / TomDispatch
The Mother of All Benchmarks in Iraq: Oil The Mother of All Benchmarks in Iraq: Oil
In the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2002-2003, oil was seldom mentioned. Yes, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz did describe the country as afloat "on a sea of ...
May 7, 2007 / TomDispatch
What If My Carrier Bumps Into Your Country? What If My Carrier Bumps Into Your Country?
At a news conference on Monday involving the President and European leaders, this exchange took place: "Q: …[Y]our Secretary of State is going to a conference...
May 3, 2007 / TomDispatch