Victor Navasky

Publisher Emeritus

Victor S. Navasky served as editor, publisher, and publisher emeritus of The Nation, and was the founder of its prestigious internship program, which is named in his honor.

Cold War Ghosts Cold War Ghosts

When the New York Times Op-Ed page called and asked whether I thought the death of Gus Hall, the perennial US Communist Party candidate for President who served time for "conspir...

Jun 28, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

Publish or Speech Perishes Publish or Speech Perishes

In the words of the old folk song, "When will they ever learn?" David Horowitz, former radical who these days is in the business of promoting (1) neoconservatism and (2) David ...

Apr 5, 2001 / Victor Navasky

Ring Lardner Jr. (1915-2000) Ring Lardner Jr. (1915-2000)

The last chapter in Ring Lardner Jr.'s new memoir, I'd Hate Myself in the Morning (Nation Books), is called "Sole Survivor." When Lardner, who died October 31, wrote it he was in...

Nov 10, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

Honor the Blacklistees Honor the Blacklistees

After last year's brouhaha surrounding the presentation by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of a Lifetime Achievement Award to Elia Kazan, one member of the academ...

Mar 16, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

The Forgotten Oscar The Forgotten Oscar

In the run-up to Sunday's Oscar ceremony the focus was on Elia Kazan and whether the Motion Picture Academy was doing the right thing by honoring him with a Lifetime Achievement ...

Mar 18, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

Allen Weinstein’s Docudrama Allen Weinstein’s Docudrama

Let's start with the Random House press release, replete with "Praise for Perjury"--a reissue of Allen Weinstein's book on the Hiss-Chambers case.

Oct 16, 1997 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky
