Free the Cuban Five! Free the Cuban Five!
The time is ripe to correct this injustice, now that Cuba has begun to release its own political prisoners.
Jul 13, 2010 / Wayne S. Smith
A Bankrupt Cuba Policy A Bankrupt Cuba Policy
As Iraq burns and Castro recovers, the Bush Administration's schemes to further "Cuba's transition to democracy" ring more hollow than ever.
Aug 15, 2006 / Wayne S. Smith
Undemocratic Process Undemocratic Process
There has been much comment about the take-no-prisoners approach of the Congressional Republican leadership in cramming through the Medicare prescription-drug benefit this past N...
Feb 26, 2004 / Wayne S. Smith
Crackdown in Cuba Crackdown in Cuba
The arrest and long-term imprisonment of dozens of dissidents in Cuba and the rapid execution of three men who had attempted to hijack a boat were deplorable.
Apr 24, 2003 / Wayne S. Smith