William Astore

William Astore is a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and history professor who blogs at Bracing Views.

Police Violence Has Brought America’s Forever Wars Home

Police Violence Has Brought America’s Forever Wars Home Police Violence Has Brought America’s Forever Wars Home

How stupid have we been to celebrate cops as heroes, just as we’ve been foolishly doing for so long with the US military?

Jun 9, 2020 / William Astore

It’s Time to Stop Our Wasteful Military Spending

It’s Time to Stop Our Wasteful Military Spending It’s Time to Stop Our Wasteful Military Spending

If ever there was a time to reduce our massive and unnecessary military spending, this is it.

Mar 31, 2020 / no-paywall / William Astore

Trump and Navy

The US Government Has Sanitized War The US Government Has Sanitized War

We are reminded of our endless wars only when the government wants to invoke patriotism without criticism.

Feb 26, 2020 / William Astore

Trump at a military base in Iraq

Trump Has Been Out-Conned by the Pentagon Trump Has Been Out-Conned by the Pentagon

Despite a woeful 75-year military record, the Pentagon’s coffers are overflowing with taxpayer dollars.

Feb 5, 2020 / William Astore

USS Ronald Reagan

Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military

Our endless wars are taking countless innocent lives and destroying the planet itself.

Dec 4, 2019 / William Astore

US marines outside of Falluja in 2004.

America’s Military Mania Is Hurting Democracy America’s Military Mania Is Hurting Democracy

It’s time to put an end to America’s lust for war.

Oct 24, 2019 / William Astore

US NATO Ukraine

Militarization Has Become Our National Religion Militarization Has Become Our National Religion

As attitudes toward war grow dangerously worshipful in the US, quitting our endless wars becomes all the more difficult.

Aug 13, 2019 / William Astore

The Pentagon

The Pentagon’s Long Con The Pentagon’s Long Con

The US military-industrial complex has been swindling Americans for decades.

Apr 30, 2019 / William Astore

General David Petraeus retirement

America’s Generals Have Learned Nothing From Our Failed Wars America’s Generals Have Learned Nothing From Our Failed Wars

The senior officials responsible for our military failures are guiding us to more of the same.

Mar 19, 2019 / William Astore

The Pentagon Has Won Its Most Important War

The Pentagon Has Won Its Most Important War The Pentagon Has Won Its Most Important War

Despite a losing record, today’s military doesn’t have to atone for its failures.

Oct 25, 2018 / William Astore
